enero: bienvenidos para el ano nuevo
Welcome back and Happy New Year!!!!
Quiz time is here....
Grades 7-8 (Latine)
This last rotation, we have reviewed the family vocabulary for a quiz that is this rotation. The vocabulary can be found on December's Blog. In class,the students will have a little time to study and review with a matching game before taking their quiz.
Culture: (tenative)
After the quiz, the students will be starting a culture section. 7th grade will be doing a reading piece on the house during Pompeiian/Roman time. 8th Grade will be reading a section on Education during Roman/Pompeiian time.
Has been reviewing numbers 1-10 (new hand signs), colors, and Hola Song. Started centers.
This rotation: Family (familia)
Family Song
padre - father
madre - mother
chico - boy
chica - girl
abuelo is grandpa
abuela is grandma
Our family
Our family
hermano - brother
hermana - sister
hijo - son
hija - daughter
padre y madre
abuelo y abuela
our family
our family
The 2nd and 3rd grades have been working on colors in Spanish. The "Color Song" is on a previous blog. Please check it out.
The students have a quiz on the colores this rotation (1/14-1/22). The students need to be able to match a picture with the Spanish color word and its color English word. Example: a pond is blue/azul.
Grades 4-6 have been working on fecha since the end of November/beginning of December. Rhe students have been reviewing the days of the week, numbers 1-31, and months to be able to produce the date in Spanish. A review sheet along with notes have been taken in class. The following is that information:
Los días de la smana (days of the week)
lunes - Monday
martes - Tuesday
miércoles - Wednesday
jueves - Thursday
viernes - Friday
sábado - Saturday
domingo - Sunday
Los meses del año:
enero - Jnauary
febrero - Februarty
marzo - March
abril - April
mayo - May
junio - June
julio - July
agosto - August
septiembre - September
octubre - October
noviembre - November
diciembre - December
Fecha (date):
To put the date is Spanish fo0llow the rule:
Rule (regla): el day of the week el number de month de year
Example: January 12, 2009 - el lunes el doce de enero de dos mil nueve
Qué fecha es hoy? What date is today?
Answer: Today is Monday, January 12, 2009. Hoy es el lunes el doce de enero de dos mil nueve.
Qué fecha es mañana? What date is tomorrow?
Answer: Tomorrow is Tuesday, January 13, 2009. Mañana es el martes el trece de enero de dos mil nueve.
Qué fecha fue ayer? What date was yesterday?
Answer: Yesterday was Sunday, January 11, 2009. Ayer es el domingo el once de enero de dos mil nueve.
Future: What is coming next in Spanish?
I have been thinking on where to go next. The following are possibilities for the future:
- Pronouns
- basic verbs and conjugations
- basic sentences
- putting things together
- gender
- Reading section
- shapes
- family
- food
- body
- animals
- place in the community
- family
- animals
- shapes
- body
- days of the week
- months
- seasons
Whehhhhhh!!! Alot of info. Will blog again soon.
Hasta aproxima vez!! =)
Senorita Morrin