Monday, September 15, 2008

septiembre 2008

Parents: Students should be practicing their vocabulary. They should practice their pronunciation and sight recognition of the words. Grades 4-8 should be able to know a little on how the words are spelled. I do not expect perfection, but I do expect trying. With the new grading system their will be more quizzes and summative assessments. Students will be required to take a more active role in practicing Latin/Spanish, especially at home.


This Rotation: 7-8th graders are reviewing Latin Language notes for a quiz. The quiz will be next rotation (Sept. 22-29). The quiz will be multiple choice and short answer. Students are also reviewing Latin Vocabulary in order to practice pronunciation and to create a small conversation with a partner. Students will present conversation to me as a grade (same day as quiz).

History of Latin Language (notes): Quiz- Sept. 22-29

* Latin is over 3000 years old.
* Originated in a region called Latium (Italy today) in a village called Alba Longa.
* The people who spoke the language were a conquering people. They were farmers, hunters, fishermen, shepherds, and warriors. The people wanted to protect themselves. They went out and expanded their lands and people.
* The lands grew so big; the prince of the people (Romulus) decided to make a central city called Roma (today- Rome).
* The language was officialized in Roma.
* The Roman Empire grew out of this area and people. The language was taken everywhere the Roman Empire expanded to: as far North as Belgium; West as far as Portugal and U.K.; as far East as Belarus, Armenia, Middle East (Iraq, Kuwaiti, and Saudi Arabia); as far south as northern South America. (Know some countries of today where the language spread to because of the Roman Empire.)
* The language became the language of the Catholic Church and is still spoken in the Church today.

Talk Like a Roman: Vocabulary

Salutations, Farewells and Important Vocabulary: English vocabulary and Latin vocabulary (pronunciation in parenthesis)

Let’s speak Latin: Latine Loquamur (la-tee-nay lo-qua-mur)
How do you say it in Latin?: Quomodo dicitur Latine (kwo-mo-do dee-kee-tur la-tee-nay)
Hello: Ave (ah-way); Avete (ah-weh-tay); Salve (sal-way)/ Salvete (sal-weh-tay)
Goodbye: Vale (wall-ay); plural: Valete (wall-eh-tay)
OK: Fiat (fee-ot)
Obviously: Plane (plah-nay)
I don’t know: Nescio (nes-kee-oh)
I don’t understand: Non satis intellego (non sat-is in-tell-ih go)
Good morning: Bonum matutinum (bow-num ma-toot-ih-go)
What’s your name?: Quid est nomen tibi? (kwid est no-men tee-bee)
My name is _______.: Mihi nomen est ________: (mee-hee no-men est ___)
What’s new?: Quid est novus? (kwid est no-wus)
Not much: Nihil multi (nee-hee mul-tee)
How are you?: Quid agis? (kwid ah-gees)
I’m fine: valeo (wall-ay-o)
Not bad: non male (non-mal-ay)
Not good: non bene (non ben-ay)
Varie: (war-eh-ay)
I’m well: Bene valeo (bay-nay wall-ay-o)
Thank you: Gratias (grah-tee-ahs)
You’re welcome: Nihil est (nee-heel est)
Please: Quaeso (kwise-oh)
Excuse me: Ignosce mihi (ig-nosk-e mee-hee)
I’m sorry: Me paenitet (may pie-nee-tot)
Tell me: Narra mihi (nahr-a mee-hee)
Is that right?: Verone? (ware-oh-nay)
No kidding!: Re vera! (ray ware-ah)
Hush!: Tace (tock-ay); plural: Tacete (tock-eh-tay)
Stop that!: Desiste (day-sis-tay)

Latin Conversation: Due Sept 22-29

With a partner students will create a small conversation. The conversation must have 4-5 lines for each student to say including hells and goodbyes. Students will be graded on pronunciation and required elements.
Example: 1. Ave 1. Salve
2. Quid est nomen tibi? 2. …


Parents: Students should be practicing their vocabulary. They should practice their pronunciation and sight recognition of the words. Grades 4-6 should be able to know a little on how the words are spelled. I do not expect perfection, but I do expect trying.

Students will be studying and reviewing salutations and farewells. Students will have a quiz (Sept. 22-29) on salutations and farewells. The quiz will consist of vocabulary matching/multiple choice. There will be a section where students will need to produce answers/vocabulary (oral pronunciation). K-1st should know the songs and should understand what the songs are about. Students should be able to answer in Spanish: ¿Cómo está, hoy?.

Due- Sept. 22-29: A brief Spanish conversation (grades 2-6) will be presented to me by pairs of students for a pronunciation grade on the same day of the quiz. The brief conversation is to be 4-5 lines long using the salutation and farewell vocabulary.
Example: 1. Hola 1. Buenos días
2. ¿Cómo te llamas? 2. Me llamo Raul.
3. ...

K-1st: Songs

K-1st graders are learning and practicing the following songs. Students should be able to sing the songs correctly. Songs relate to salutations, numbers and colors. Please try to reinforce this vocabulary with your child(ren).

Hola canción:

Hola chico -- Hello boy
Hola chica -- Hello girl
Hola chicos -- Hello boys and girls
¿Cómo están, hoy? -- How are you today?

Note: Students need to know how to answer the question: ¿Cómo está, hoy?
muy bien (very well)
bien (well)
mal (bad)

Buenos días canción: (Sung to Happy Birthday tune)

Buenos días a ti -- Good morning (day) to you
Buenos días a ti -- Good morning (day) to you
Buenos días, Buenos días -- Good morning (day), good morning (day)
Buenos días a ti -- Good morning (day) to you

Buenas tardes canción: (Sung to Happy Birthday tune)

Buenas tardes a ti -- Good afternoon to you
Buenas tardes a ti -- Good afternoon to you
Buenas tardes, Buenas tardes -- Good afternoon, good afternoon
Buenas tardes a ti -- Good afternoon to you

Buenas noches canción: (Sung to Happy Birthday tune)

Buenas noches a ti -- Good night to you
Buenas noches a ti -- Good night to you
Buenas noches, Buenas noches -- Good night, good night
Buenas noches a ti -- Good night to you

Amigos canción: los números #1-10

Uno, dos tres amigos -- 1,2,3 friends
Cuatro, cinco, seis amigos -- 4,5,6 firends
Siete, ocho, nueve amigos -- 7,8,9 friends
Diez amigos son. -- 10 friend I have.

Los colores

Red is rojo
Green is verde

Yellow’s amarillo
Purple is morado
Grey is gris

White is blanco
Crema is cream
Pink is rosado
And orange is anaranjado

2nd - 6th

Vocabulario: saludos y despedidas (Quiz – Sept. 22-29)

The salutation and farewell vocabulary in general should be a review of what most students should know from the previous couple of years with me. Only the new students do I expect to have a little hardship.

Bienvenidos -----welcome
hola ----- Hi/hello
buenos días ----- Good morning/day
buenas tardes -----Good afternoon/evening
buenas noches -----Good night
adiós -----goodbye
¡Hasta luego! -----See you later!
¡Hasta la vista! -----See you later!
¿Cómo te llamas? -----What is your name?
Me llamo ____. -----My name is ____.
¿Cómo estás? -----How are you?
muy bien -----very well
bien -----well
No muy bien -----Not very well
mal -----bad
muy mal -----very bad
así así ----- so-so/ okay
por favor -----please
gracias -----thank you
de nada -----you’re welcome
¿Cuántos años tienes? -----How old are you?
Tengo ____ años. -----I’m ____ years old.
¿Hablas español? -----Do you speak Spanish?
sí -----yes
no -----no
amigo/amiga -----friend (boy/girl)
señor -----Mr.
señora -----Mrs.

señorita -----Miss

Wow, what a lot of info. I do want to point out that I have not recieved my supplies from the parents yet for my room. I have recieve a little bit, but no means as much as I should have. Unfortunately, this will reflect on the things (types of activities) that we will be able to do in Spanish. If you are wondering about what supplies, please read the blog for August and the Parent supply list for Foreign Language on the PCA website.

Well, I think that is about it. Any questions or concerns, please email or call (Ext.207).

Hasta aproxima vez!!!!!

Senorita Morrin