The holidays are coming quickly. I feel things are going to get very busy, very quick.
Progress report have recently come out. Some students are missing some assessments and others need to re-assess on some things. I will be focusing on this at the moment.
Oral Conversation/Proficiency Assessment
Students have come up with a conversation (using greeting and farewell vocabulary) in class (either as a class, by themselves, or with a partner). I will be calling students to come up and present their conversation to me for a oral proficiency grade. The students will be graded on the following Rubric:
World Language Oral Proficiency Rubric
4 Points
A. Speech is continuous with few pauses or stumbling
B. Pronunciation enhances communication; begins to contain elements of a native accent
C. Rich and accurate use of vocabulary; uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions
D. Basic language structures (grammar, syntax…) used correctly most of the time, if not all of the time
3 points
A. Some hesitation in speech, but manages to continue and complete thoughts
B. Pronunciation does not interfere with communication; understood without difficulty
C. Adequate and generally accurate use of vocabulary; most vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately
D. Basic language structures (grammar, syntax…) used correctly about 3/4 of the time
2 points
A. Speech is choppy and/or with frequent pauses; few or no incomplete thoughts
B. Pronunciation occasionally interferes with communication; usually understood by listener
C. Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary; some repetition of words/expressions and minimal variety of vocabulary
D. Basic language structures (grammar, syntax…) used correctly about 1/2 of the time
1 point
A. Speech is halting and uneven with long pauses or incomplete thoughts
B. Pronunciation frequently interferes with communication; difficult to understand
C. Inadequate or inaccurate use of vocabulary; response lacks variety of vocabulary; frequent repetition of words; vocabulary may be used out of context; response may include native language
D. Basic language structures (grammar, syntax…) used accurately less than 1/2 of the time
If a student does not have their conversation with them, I will have a general conversation handy for the students to use.
7-8th grades:
Students are in the process of a cultural reading about Pompeii. The reading has been put in the student Portfolio packet. The students are to read the assigned passage and answer the questions on each section. Questions are located also in the student Portfolio packet. Answers are to be answered in their packet.
In the next couple of rotations the students will be reviewing vocabulary and content for a unit test by doing the Magic Square worksheets and the Open Notes Unit Assessment. Students must have their Portfolio packets completed by the end of their class period of the rotation that starts on November 17th (2 rotations from now). The Porfolio packet will be check during this rotation and will be collected the following rotation (last rotation of the trimester) for assessment grade. The students will have a closed Notes/Book Unit test on the last rotation of the trimester (Dec. 1-Dec. 9).
Spanish: K-6
K-6th are on a School Unit. Students should be learning their school vocabulary.
School Vocabulary:
school- escuela
classroom- clase
teacher- maestro(a)
student- estudiante
pencil- lapiz
scissors- tijeras
chair- silla
table- mesa
book- libro
paper- papel
eraser- borrador
pen- pluma
window- vantana
desk- escritorio
door- puerta
notebook- cuaderno
Students should also be studying their numbers 1-20.
Los numeros:
1. uno
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
11. once
12. doce
13. trece
14. catorce
15. quince
16. dieciseis
17. diecisiete
18. dieciocho
19. diecinueve
20. veinte
Students in 2-6th grade will be having a quiz on the numbers and the school vocabulary two rotations from now.
K-1 will be having assessments soon. Students will be pulled individually in class and will be assessed on the songs and current vocabulary. k-1 students by now should be able to respond the greeting and greeting questions and say farewells. Students should know basic classroom things and numbers 1-10/20.
Colors will be reviewed and re-enforced. Family Unit will start with the new Trimester.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up real soon. I hope to get out a little note about when I will be available for conferences. Please be advised I may do conferences before the scheduled date. If you have any major concern or questions please contact me via email or phone.
Thanksgiving: Accion de gracias
Thanksgiving is coming soon. K-6 will be having a story and a constructive activity in class.
Hasta aproxima vez!!!!
Senorita Morrin
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