Wednesday, February 18, 2009

febrero: el mes de amor


I hope you are doing awesome. This month is flying by. There are quite a few things going to be happening in the next few weeks (especially in the month of March).


8th grade

The 8th graders are working on a new unit. The unit is about Education in Pompeii and the classroom vocabulary. The students have already read about the Educational system (pp.175-178 Cambridge Latin Text) and have had a Q & A assignment. This rotation the students will be taking a few notes down about the reading (key vocabulary) and will be getting vocabulary about the classroom.


1. ludi magister- teacher of the 1st school (7-11 years old); taught reading and writing of Latin & Greek and simple arithmetic.

2. paedagogus- a slave who escorts a/some pupil(s) to and from school ane are responsible for their behavior and protection (even during school hours).

3. tabulae- wooden tablet coated with a thin film of wax.

4. stilus- a thin stick of metal,bone, or ivory; used to scribe on the wax surface on a tabulae.

5. papyrus- a material that looked rather like modern paper, but was rougher in texture; paper material.

6. grammaticuus- the teacher of the second stage of school ( 11-15 year old); taught literature, grammar, public recitations, geography and history.

7. rhetor- the teacher of the asvanced school, usually a highly educated Greek; taught literature and trained students in the art of public speaking; taught the rules for making different kinds of speeches, how to argue for and against a point of view, how to use tone of voice and emphasis of gestures and words.

Classroom Vocabulary:

teacher- magistra (f)/magistrus(m)

student- discipulus(m)/discipula(f)

desk/table- mensa

chair- sella

door- ianua

window- fenestra

wall- murus

room- camera

flag- vexillum

clock- horologium

picture- pictura

board- tabula

chalk- creta

eraser- erasura

pen- penna

pencil- stilus

paper- charta

ruler- regula

7th grade

The 7th graders are working on a new unit. The new unit is about Houses in Pompeii (pp.13-15 in Cambridge Latin Text). The students have finished a reading and a Q & A assignment about the reading. This rotation the students and I will take a further look at the three types of houses (mainly the Domus) and we will take a closer look at the types of rooms inside a Domus house (a wealthy house). The students will be doing an assignment that refers to a house plan.


ianua- door

atrium- reception hall, main room, livingroom

lararium- a small shrine at which the family gods were worshiped; located in the atrium

impluvium- a marble-lined, shallow rectangular pool that collects rainwater

compluvium- large square opening in the roof of the house to let reain water in

triclinium- dining room

tablinum- study

cubiculum- bedroom

culina- kitchen

latrina- bathroom

hortus- garden

peristylium- outdoor courtyard, made up of colonnade of pillars surrounding the hortus

summer triclinium- summer dining room

Coming up: Projects

Ibelieve that I will be assigning a project soon.

8th grade: The project will be related to the educational system. I have not pinned down the actual assignment. I will be coming up with the outline in the next couple of days.

7th Grade: The project will be to create a Pompeiian house out of a shoe/tissue box, etc. and label the rooms and things in the house in Latin. I am unsure if I am going to do this in pairs, groups, or as individual projects. I am working out the finer points. The assignment and rubric will be assigned soon and all questions answered.


Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6 have started a new unit. The unit is all about simple sentences. The past two rotations have been on Spanish pronouns. This rotation is about verbs: the infinitive, stem and ending.


yo I
you (familiar)
él he (it)
ella she (it)
used you (formal)

nosotros/ nosotras we
* vosotros/ vosotras you all (familiar)
ellos they (masculine)
ellas they (feminine)
ustedes you all (formal/familiar)

* The pronouns vosotros and vosotras are used mainly in Spanish. In other Spanish countries, the people use another form or they use the ustedes form for both formal and familiar situations.


  • The infinitive is a verb in its most complete form. In Spanish, this means a verb with its original ending. Verbs are listed in their infinitive forms in the dictionaries and glossaries. The infinitive is also used in many Spanish grammatical structures.
  • In English, the infinitive includes the word "to": to walk, to swim, to eat.
  • In Spanish, the infinitives end in one of the following 3 endings: -ar, -er, -ir. Examples: hablar, comer, escribir.
  • To conjugate a verb means to take its infinitivr and break it into the pieces used more frequently when speaking and writing.
  • In Spanish, verbs in their infinitive form have an ending and a stem.
  • A stem is the main part of the word that gives the verb meaning.

Grades 2-3

Grades 2-3 have have been working on the Family (la familia). This rotation the students should be studying their family vocabulary and family song (see previous blog). The students are doing a family tree relations paper which involves cutting and pasting pictures of the family members on the family tree correctly. Hopefully, this will help the students with their vocabulary.

Family Song

padre - father

madre - mother

chico - boy

chica - girl

abuelo is grandpa

abuela is grandma

Our family

Our family

hermano - brother

hermana - sister

hijo - son

hija - daughter

padre y madre

abuelo y abuela

la familia

la familia


K-1 are reviewing Colors and family. They are now on Formas/ shapes. The students are using various shapes and manipulatives to learn the spanish shape vocabulary and to help with their knowledge of shapes.


cuadrado- square

hexagono- hexagon

rombo- diamond

rectangulo- rectangle

triangulo- triangle

ovalo- oval

corazon- heart

media luna- half moon

estrella- star

circulo- circle


What is to happen in the near future?

Quiz time:

Grades 4-6 will be having a quiz on pronouns.

Grades 2-3 will be having a quiz on family.

Grades K-1 will be assessed soon on the #s 1-10, colors, and family.


The quizzes above will take place prior to the DSTP that is scheduled in March. I want to try to keep things light during testing. I may do a cultural thing. Not to sure yet.

Grades/Report Cards

The end of the second trimester is coming up in two weeks. I am trying to do some last minute re-assessments for those who need to re-assess. I have started to give out grade reports to Middle school students only. Any missing work/re-assessment needs to be turned in or made up by March 6th. If you have any questions, please email or call (Ext.207).

Well that is it. I will update soon.

Hasta aproxima vez. =)

Senorita Morrin


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