Friday, August 22, 2008

agosto: Benvenidos- Welcome Back!


Yes!, It's Senorita Morrin.... It's August and time to restart school. So far, it looks like a promising year.

I hope you are excited, because there are alot of changes coming our way. I want to take the time to stress that it is important to check out my blog frequently. My main form of communication will be through my blog. All major information (vocabulary, quiz dates, expectations, themes, etc.) will be on my blog and regularly updated. My goal is to update the blog about 2 times a month. This main change is due to the school's new grading policies. With the new grading policies, the student will be required to take a more active role in their learning. The student needs to stay on top of everything, especially when they miss a day at school (assignments missed must be made up).

Please, read the following information pretaining to my class this year.


¡Bienvenidos a mi clase!/Salutatio in meus classis!

Welcome to Providence Creek Academy, my name is Señorita Morrin. I will be your child’s(ren’s) Spanish/Latin Teacher. I am looking forward to an educationally rewarding and enriching year with your child(ren). Your child(ren) will be spending approximately 45 minutes every 6 days exploring the Latin world through hands on activities, stories, music, photos and more. I encourage you to practice with your child(ren).

Grades: K-3: Spanish
1. Learn to count 0-40 in Spanish.
2. Learn the Spanish Alphabet.
3. Learn about certain themes such as salutations, colors, body parts, family, weather, months of the year, days of the week, clothing and more.
4. Learn simple sentence structures through imitation and repetition.
5. Learn about Spanish speaking countries and cultures.
6. Identify Spanish speaking countries.
Grades: 4-6: Spanish
1. In addition to the above.
2. Learn to translate into English simple words, expressions and greetings.
3. Some reading of simple passages in Spanish.
4. Be introduced to simple vocabulary words, to use in their correct context.
5. Will begin to conjugate simple verbs.
* Your child(ren) will have homework to reinforce what your child(ren) has learned.

Supply List:
2 pocket folder with 3 prongs inside
Pencil with eraser
Spanish Reference Dictionary (optional) (Span.:3-6)

Grades: 7-8: Latin
1. Learn basic Latin vocabulary.
2. Learn basic grammar points of Latin (case, simple verb conjugation, etc.).
3. Learn about Latin culture, society, social norms, people, roles and life.
4. Learn basic Latin roots and how to apply them in other aspects of learning.
5. Identify where Latin is spoken or was spoken. (Is it still spoken today?)
6. History of the Latin Language.

Supply List:
1. Folder/Section in 3 ring binder
2. Pencil/writing utensil
3. Latin/ English Dictionary (optional)
4. Index cards (3x5)- for student’s personal use
5. Attitude ready to have fun while learning the Latin language and culture.


I will be doing communicating our progress. I will be communicating through my Blog. You may get to my Blog via the PCA website. If you are not online please drop me a line to get updates sent home. It is very important to visit my blog frequently (about 1-2 times a month) for important information (dates of quizzes, upcoming activities, vocabulary/themes being learned etc.).

I hope that you will get involved and help out when occasion arises. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. (Mi puerta siempre está abierta. My door is always open.) While Spanish at the K-6 level is just an introduction to another language, what your child learns this year will make an impact on what they will learn in years to come. Remember President Bush declared Spanish as the second official language of the United States. We now have Spanish spoken in the government, in our society, in our schools and at our jobs.

For those taking Latin, you may ask: “Why learn Latin?” “Isn’t it a dead language?” No, Latin is not a dead language. It is not a high frequency spoken language. Remember that a lot of our language’s foundation comes from the Latin. Just look at words used in Science, Math and Language Arts. We are surrounded by the Latin. Latin is important to learn and will be an asset to your child’s learning, not because they are just learning a language, they are learning history, the basic roots of where our language stems from, and the cultural differences/similarities within different societies.

What your child learns this year will make an impact on what they will learn in years to come. I hope to have a wonderful, productive, and rewarding year by helping students to open their minds to another culture and language.

Learning a second language takes time and practice. I would hope that every student will try to practice their Spanish/Latin outside of class. At times, there will be homework. Worksheets and information sheets will be sent out. I hope the parents will get involved in their child(ren)'s education and will help explore a new culture together.

Due to a new grading policy, students need to be more pro-active in their learning. Homework needs to be turned in and on-time. Students who are absent need to see me ASAP for work missed. Assignments must be done and turned in according to Students Grading Policies.
Well, I hope you like learning a little bit of what is to come. If you have any questions, problems or concerns, feel free to email or call (Ext 207).

Supplies for Foreign Language

All students need to have a folder (k-5) or a section in their binders (6-8) for Foreign Language (to put their papers in). All students are encouraged to have their own supplies (pencil/dictionary/erasers/etc.). Unfortunately, students tend to forget to bring their things to class and require the use of the limited amount of supplies I have. So, I am requiring each student to bring in 1 piece of supplies for class. The supplies list has been broken into a list by grade. Each grade will be responsible to bring a certain supply.

The following supplies will be needed for the foreign language classroom due to the high use and demand of the supplies:

K: Crayons-washable (24 pack)
1st: Tissues (2 boxes)
2nd: Markers-washable (10-12 pack)
3rd: Paper Towels (2 rolls)
4th: Chlorox Wipes (2 canisters)
5th: Colored pencils (12/24pack)
6th: Hand Sanitizer (2 bottles each)
7th: Lined paper (2 packs- Wide Ruled 150-250 count)
8th: Pencils (20/24 pack)

I thank you for your understanding and I am looking forward to the start of the school year.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

1. Be prompt, be prepared, and be ready to work and learn.

“Be prompt”: Be on time to class as a class. Students are expected to come in quickly and efficiently and take their assigned seats. Students quietly pass in their homework (if applicable) and copy down information from the overhead or white wash board which could be notes, assignments, objectives of the day and/or complete an activity while attendance is taken. All homework is recorded by the students in their agendas (if applicable). Students that come in late must have an excused note for lateness and/or will reflect in citizenship grade.

“Be Prepared”: All students must have their folders, sharpened pencil(s), eraser, and completed homework each day. Students are not allowed to leave to return to their homerooms or their cubbies to retrieve missing assignments, handouts, books, folders, or materials. Students are allowed to turn in assignments left in their homeroom or cubbies by the end of the day (in the in-box or my mail box) without penalty. Otherwise, the assignment is late. Lateness will reflect in Citizenship grade.

“Be ready to work and learn”: Students are expected to have a conducive learning attitude. Be fully awake and taking an active role in their learning. Receptive to new ideas, materials and information.

2. Respect other persons and their property.

Keep hands to yourself.
Take care of yourself and your things.
Keep the classroom clean and neat.
Dispose of trash in the trash can and not on the floor.
Return borrowed property in the same condition that it was borrowed in.
Refrain from writing on the tables and benches.
Ask permission to use someone else’s things before using them.
Listen carefully when the teacher or student is speaking for the information given can be important.

3. You may talk when given permission.

Raise the hand to speak or answer a question.
Respect others while they are speaking and listen to what they are saying.
Listen at all times during class instructional time.
During group work times: take turns, share, and use quiet talking (when permitted).

4. Students will stay seated and listen.

Stay seated in seats during class unless otherwise stated.
All uses of the stapler, whole puncher, pencil sharpener and other equipment should be used at the beginning of class or during general activity time (where permitted).
Listening is required and not an option. It will help the students learn, understand and stay on task.

5. Obey all school policies and guidelines.

Refrain from chewing gum, wearing hooded sweatshirts in class, profanity, wearing non-dress code clothing, and any other major violations according to the school policy (such as fighting & electronics).

Consequences of breaking rules and not following procedures:

Verbal warning
Write up according to level of discipline in Student Handbook Policies.


I am still using the same text as last year, but I am actively looking for a new text. I am hoping to find one that is more specialized ro middle school. The one we have can be used for middle and high school, but I feel it need a little more to it.

So, the following is the Syllabus for Latin.

Syllabi: Grades 7-8
LATIN: Unit 1
Ms. J. Morrin

Course Description: This class is designed to give you an understanding of the Latin Language, including vocabulary, grammar, syntax, style, history, culture, and translation techniques. The objective of the class are for you to be able to both translate Latin (Latin into English) and to writer Latin (English into Latin). The objective will also be devoted to learning about Roman history, mythology, and culture. Ultimately, the purpose of this class is for you to see that, although Latin is no longer spoken in today’s world, it still has practical every-day use.

Textbook: Cambridge Latin Course: Unit 1: The North American Fourth Edition

Units to be Studied in this class: Unit 1 contains 12 stages (stages = chapters). I am hoping that we will be completing approximately 3-4 stages within this year. (Grade 7: Stages 1-3/4 and Grade 8: Stages 3-7 with a review on Stages 1 and 2)

Stage 1: Caecilius Pompeii, Caecilius household, Roman houses
Stage 2: In Villa Daily life, clothing, and food
Stage 3: Negotium Town life and Business
Stage 4: In foro Forum, Finance and Law
Stage 5: In Theatro Theater, actors and performances, pantomime, comedy
Stage 6: Felix Slaves and Freedmen
Stage 7: Cena Roman Burial customs, beliefs about life/death
Stage 8: Gladiators Amphitheater and gladiatorial shows

Each stage is divided up as follows:
Cultural background
Story line

We will take approximately 3 class periods to cover 1 stage. Expect some homework. After each stage an assessment will be given. An assessment can consist of any of the following: worksheets/ packet, small project, short answer, multiple choice, fill-in, grammar/ verb conjugations …

Grading Policy: Grading will be broken down as follows:
Summative Assessments (Quizzes/Tests/Projects) 50%
Class work/ Homework (Formative Assessemnets)
Citizenship Grade 50%
(Participation/Respect/Reponsibility/Following Directions)

Projects: Projects will be defined and a hand-out will be give to each student on the subject of the project, expectations, and how it will be assessed.

Homework: Homework is given for the reinforcement of the grammar, vocabulary, culture… Homework assigned is not optional. It is the responsibility of the student to be prepared for class, meaning having their homework completed (by the due date) and with them when they come to class. All homework will be collected and graded. If a student does not have their homework by the due date, it is late and must be handed in ASAP. Unfortunately their grade will be affected also (citizenship grade).

Make-up Work: If a student missed a class, the student is responsible to make-up the missing work. All missing work must be turned in according to the Student Handbook Policy, usually a day for every absent day (if absent 2 days- have 2 days to make the assignment up). (Depending on the circumstances, I may give an extension.)

What you need for class?
1. 2 pocket folder with prongs inside/Section in your 3 Ring Binder
2. Lose leaf paper (Choice: Wide Ruled or College)- personal use
3. Index cards (3x5) (optional- but recommended)
4. Pencils with erasers/erasable pen
5. Latin Reference Dictionary (optional)
6. Attitude ready to have fun while learning the Latin language and culture.

Classroom Expectations:
1. Get to class on time!
2. READING OF BOOKS, DOING OUTSIDE CLASSWORK OR ANYTHING UNRELATED TO THE LESSON (COLORING/PLAYING WITH A CALCULATOR/DOODLES/ETC.) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. When you are in class, I expect you to be paying attention. Violation on this policy will result in loss in participation grade.
3. Come to class prepared! Bring all things you need: homework, folder, handouts, paper, pencil, etc.
4. ABSOLUTELY NO FOOD OR DRINK WILL BE ALLOWED IN CLASS! (Only during special activities and times- I will notify the students of special occasions.)
5. Follow policies in the student handbook.
6. Follow the Classroom Rules and Procedures

Discipline Scale: Student Handbook
First offence: verbal warning
Second offence: warning & reflected in citizenship grade
third offence: Write up (level 1,2,3- according to severity)
fourth offence: parent notification & written/verbal apology & detention
fifth offense: teacher/ parent/ administration conference, In-school suspension
* Will follow the Student Code of Conduct: Levels of Offences

Whew!!!! - What alot of information.

I guess that is about it. No, wait!!!! I forgot to let you know what the classes will be doing the first couple of classes. The first class will be going over the rules & expectations and discussing the laguage we are going to study and learn about. The second class we will get into Salutations and Farewells. I will post the vocabulary for all classes in the next week or so.

Alright, I need to go and I know you are probably ready to be done. I will see you next time.

Hasta la aproxima vez!! =)

Senorita Morrin


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