mayo y junio
It is the last couple of weeks of school. The end is in sight. Yessssssss!!!!!!!!
I wanted to take the time and communicate with everyone about the last minute things that are happening. I have given all 6th, 7th & 8th grades a student grade report sheet. Students should not be surprised about their grades. Anything the students have highlighted on their reports, the students can redo for a better grade (max: 8/10). All refinished/revised work is due to me by Thursday, May 29th (NO EXCEPTIONS).
I will be also handing out grade reports to 4th and 5th graders. They will receive them tomorrow. As above, anything highlighted can be redone for a better grade (max 8/10) and must be turned in by the above date. There shouldn't be that many students who need to rework things. I have kept things pretty light.
6th Grade is still in the process of taking a test. Half of Lambert's class and all of Jackson-Smith's class need to take the test. Things are in the works to get this test done. This test needs to be done because it assesses what the students have been doing since the beginning of 3rd Marking Period. I will try to give the students who fail a chance to do test correction. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of time and test corrections may not be an option.
Grades are due very soon. Report cards will be coming out in June.
Any classes I have from now on will be doing make-up work and fun/creative activities. I am unsure the specifics. The students will probably have a choice in things.
Any questions, please email or call.
Muchas gracias,
Senorita Morrin