Esta Primavera!! Espero que llueve mucho porque me gustan muchos flores. ( It's Spring Time!! I hope it rain alot because I like lots of flowers.)
Report cards come out this week. Just a reminder, I did give out student grade reports before Spring break. Some students took advantage of their time and revised some of their work for better grades. Unfortunately, some did not take advantage of the opportunity. Some grades will reflect this.
7th grade and 8th grade both have tests next time I see them (starting Friday, April 11th). Study guides are being handed out in class. If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to pick-up a study guide. See below for the information on the study guides.
8th: Roman Gods and Labor (job vocab)
Labor (job vocabulary)
job -- opus
business -- negotium
student -- discipulus
teacher -- magister
senator -- senator
military -- militarius
farmer -- agricola
blacksmith/carpenter -- faber
tax collector -- exactor
occupation -- ars
accountant -- a rationibus
banker -- argentarius
cook -- coquus
slave -- servus
merchant/trader -- mercator
barber -- tonsor
painter -- pictor
doctor -- medicus
secretary -- scriba
lawyer -- causidicus
7th: Roman Gods and Roman House vocabulary
Roman House Vocabulary
tablino -- study
atrio -- atrium/reception hall
triclinio -- dining room
horto -- garden
culina -- kitchen
via -- street
ianua -- door way (front)
compluvium -- large square opening in roof
impluvium -- under the compluviun, shallow rain pool
peristylium -- the colonnade of pillars around the garden
cubiculum -- bedroom
latrina -- bathroom/lavatory
summer triclinio -- summer dining room
taberna -- shops
Roman Gods/Goddesses
1. Jupiter (Jove): Ruler of the Gods. He is the god of Sky, Lightning and Thunder. Juno is his wife. Father of Mars, Minerva, Apollo, Diana, and more. The supreme god. Lightening bolt were his choice of weapon.
2. Juno: Queen of the Gods. Jupiter’s wife and mother of Juventas, Mars, and Vulcan. She was the protector of the home, marriage, and childbirth. She was the second most powerful of all gods. Protectress of the Roman state.
3. Mars: God of war. Son of Jupiter. Mars was regarded as the father of the Roman people because he was the father of Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome. He was the most prominent of the military gods that were worshipped by the Roman legions.
4. Minerva: Goddess of Wisdom. Daughter of Jupiter, protectress of commerce, industry and education. It is said that Jupiter had a severe headache. When the doctor showed up he opened Jupiter’s head and out came Minerva.
5. Apollo: Apollo is the son of Jupiter and Leto, and the twin brother of Diana. He is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. One of Apollo's more important daily tasks is to harness his chariot with four horses an drive the Sun across the sky.
6. Diana: Huntress Goddess. The daughter of Jupiter and the twin sister of Apollo. Diana usually appears as a huntress with bow and arrow, along with a hunting dog or a stag.
7. Mercury: God of commerce & wealth. He is the messenger of the gods. Son of Jupiter. King of thieves.
8. Venus: Goddess of love and beauty. She arose from the she fully grown. Involved in numerous romantic liaisons. The most famous one of these was the seduction of the mortal Paris. Paris, in a contest amongst the goddesses to determine the fairest, was convinced to name Venus the fairest and award her a golden apple. Mother of Cupid.
9. Cupid: God of love and romance. Son of Venus. Bow and (love tipped) arrows are his weapons. It is said that Cupid was struck by his own arrow and fell deeply in love. He married. His mother tried to break up the marriage, but in the end, his wife falls in love with him and they stay married.
10. Ceres: Goddess of fruitfulness and vegetation. Her daughter (Persphone) was taken by Pluto. Pluto married her. It is said that Ceres search a very long time and crops died. So, Jupiter ordered Perspone back, but not before eating 6 pomegranate seeds from the underworld. Hence, Persphone was forced to spend six months underground each year. Which lead to the making of the seasons, because things died when she was gone.
Grades 2-5
Grades 2-5 are finishing up a unit on Comida (food). I will get a study guide together on Comida and a few other things. An assessment will be soon. Next rotation will be the review and a study guide will be handed out. I will also try to post it here on the blog.
Grades K-1
Kindergarden and 1st are working on shapes, sizes, differentiation, etc. Shape manipulatives will be used to help answer questions and understand the concepts being taught. I will be assessing the students soon to see how much the students are retaining. This will not be a graded assessment, but more of a marker to see where the students are.
Preguntas?, por favor llamame (Ext. 207) o por correo de electronico (jmorrin@pca.k12.de.us). Gracias.
Hasta aproxima vez=)
Senorita Morrin